
Safeguarding Adults - Level 2


The course will help you learn about local authority duties and about outcomes-focused, person-centred safeguarding practice.

The course will also to help you make appropriate decisions concerning the sharing of information when acting to investigate and / or prevent significant harm occurring to adults at risk. You will also learn about making safeguarding enquiries.

This course complies with Level 1 Social Care and Levels 1 & 2 Healthcare.


Duration: 01 hours 30 minutes

This course contains the following modules:

Module name Type Duration
Safeguarding duties and responsibilities Online 00:27:00
Information Sharing and Confidentiality Online 00:42:00
Making safeguarding enquiries Online 00:20:00


This course is intended for the following groups of people who have a duty of care for adults:

  • Those who have particular specialist adult safeguarding responsibilities
  • Professional advisers and designated leads for adult safeguarding
  • Operational managers of services for adult safeguarding
  • Senior managers responsible for the strategic management of services for adult safeguarding
  • Members of Local Safeguarding Adults Boards


This course will enable you to:

  • Learn who is primarily responsible for safeguarding?
  • Know what are the duties for local authority staff
  • Learn about the importance of a person-centred approach
  • Learn about the ‘Making Safeguarding Personal’ programme
  • Learn about the duties of the Local Safeguarding Adults Boards (SABs)
  • Learn about the duties for the NHS, Police, care providers and other agencies
  • Learn about the law in relation to sharing information
  • Learn about the importance of sharing information to prevent abuse and neglect
  • Learn what to do if a person does not want to share information
  • Know what to share with family and friends
  • Know the seven golden rules for information sharing
  • Learn when an enquiry should take place
  • Learn about the purpose of an enquiry
  • Learn what an enquiry should take into account
  • Learn who can carry out an enquiry
  • Learn what happens after an enquiry
  • Learn about safeguarding plans


Here are some of the topics covered in this course:

Must a local authority follow up concerns; What is meant by adult safeguarding?; Who is primarily responsible for safeguarding?; What are the wew safeguarding duties?; Duties for local authority staff; The six principles of safeguarding; Person-centred approach; Making Safeguarding Personal; Decision tree; Local Safeguarding Adults Boards (SABs);  Information sharing; Preventing abuse and neglect; Implications for the NHS; Who is responsible for leading investigations?; Working in partnership; Care providers; Information Governance Review Panel; The law in relation to sharing information; The importance of sharing information to prevent abuse and neglect; Sharing without consent; Should consent be obtained every time?; How can consent be given?; Do you need to ask for consent again?; What to do if a person does not want to share information; What to share with family and friends; The seven golden rules for information sharing; Who is responsible for reporting?; What is an enquiry?; The purpose of an enquiry; Consent to proceed; What an enquiry should take into account; Interventions; Is a conversation sufficient?; What happens after an enquiry?; Taking action; Safeguarding plans

Enrolment details

To access any of the courses you will need to login. If you do not have an account you will need to self-register for login details.

Course flyer

Please click the link to download the course flyer.

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This course has been independently certified as conforming to universally accepted Continuous Professional Development (CPD) guidelines.