
Personal Safety - Putting You First


This is a session that is useful for all Council Staff who deal directly with clients in person or over the telephone and as such may encounter situations of conflict and aggression, both verbal and physical. 

The session also covers violence and aggression, personal safety and lone working. 


Any employee who may face violence and aggression from members of the public in their day to day work environment

48 hours’ notice is required for cancellations – otherwise the full cost of the course will be charged.

All employees


  • Understand the definition of violence and aggression
  • Recognise behaviours & triggers that may lead to a more serious incident
  • Learn about de-escalation techniques and ways to diffuse a situation
  • Know the importance of reporting incidents and sharing information with others
  • Identify what lone working is and learn how to reduce the risk if you are a lone worker
  • Recognise the importance of planning & risk assessment
  • Be able to create a plan for personal safety


This is two hour informative session for staff who deal directly with clients in person or over the telephone and as such may encounter situations of conflict and aggression, both verbal and physical. 

The course will discuss ways to recognise violence and aggression and provide some key techniques to de-escalate and manage the situation.

Enrolment details

To access any of the courses you will need to login. If you do not have an account you will need to self-register for login details.