
Communicating Climate Change - Staff Bitesize Course


The course will be a mix of a presentation and interactive activities throughout to keep you engaged and ensure you are taking in the information. It will focus on certain aspects of climate education, including an overview of climate change and its impacts, what a carbon footprint is and how you can work out your own. It will then delve into what our responsibilities are as council officers, how to approach climate conversations and how to navigate tricky discussions.

Although its impacts may vary, we know climate change is real and we must do more to spread the climate change message , support residents and other staff to do their part, and stop the global warming of our planet. Climate action and considerations must occur across the council.


Staff members


To provide staff with the chance to put their knowledge into practice, develop their confidence to talk about climate change, and to consider climate change impacts throughout their role, where applicable. This course will complement the mandatory Climate Emergency E-Learning module, giving people a chance to discuss these issues and better appreciate barriers to action and how to overcome these. 


Module 1: Brief overview of what climate change is and its impacts (to compliment the mandatory climate emergency e-learning module)

Module 2: understanding of carbon footprints and how to calculate your own

Module 3: brief run through on carbon budgets and national climate change policy

Module 4: co-benefits of climate action- why it is beneficially to make changes to support climate change

Module 5: climate action in the local authority, the role of the council, how to talk about climate change, levers of influence, individual actions

Short breaks between each module to give chance for discussions and to ask questions etc. 

Enrolment details

To access any of the courses you will need to login. If you do not have an account you will need to self-register for login details.